Monday, January 9, 2012

I'm all in...

My wife suggested I start running twice a day.  I've never been much of a morning runner, even in the summer when it's about 145 degrees in the afternoon.  I realized that if I'm to make significant progress I need to step things up, so I took her advice and ran 4.5 miles this morning.  I loved it.  It took a little longer to loosen up than usual and the first mile was about 25 seconds slower than normal, but I loved the morning run.

It looks like I've established a pretty comfortable pace for runs between 3-8 miles of 8:25.  That's obviously a far cry from where I want to be but it's a good deal faster than what I was running last year at this time.  So for now, I'll give myself a pat on the back, gear up for getting faster, and continue to improve.


There's a good post on BQby40 about goal setting and disappointment.  Check it out.


  1. Trent, thanks for the comment and the plug in your blog. My post comes off a little whiney now that I'm re-reading it in the optimistic light of day, but seriously, sometimes it's like I'm the only slow-progress-or out there. Looking forward to keeping up with your blog.

  2. It was a great post and something many runners can relate to. If only more people read this blog... I know how you feel. I follow blogs and see how fast some of these 5-k and 10-k times are for people who haven't qualified for Boston and get a little overwhelmed myself.

    Let's keep battling and good things will happen.
